понедельник, 12 января 2009 г.

Belief in aliens

Some people believe in God, others believe in his absence (atheism). There are also people, who believe that we are descended from monkeys and so on. Some people believe in aliens. This belief has two its variants. The first is belief that aliens exist, the second implies the conviction that aliens are u ancestors. All these views can't be neither proved nor disapproved. This is the question of faith. People believe what they want, what they consider to be the most right. Many people claim that they have seen aliens with their own eyes. Some of them say that they have visited their spacecraft. I think that these people lie. They want cheap fame and nothing more. People like to tell untrue stories. Others like to hear these stories. Everybody is satisfied. As for me, I think that aliens really exist but they have no similarities with those stories and pictures, which are drawn from the evidence of witnesses. People's imagination is so narrow that they fail to invent something original. Aliens in their stories are similar to people, but they have larger eyes or larger ears and so on. It is very difficult to believe that living beings from far away planets have faces similar to ours. This is absolutely impossible. I think that these living beings breathe air, the chemical composition of which is quite different from our air. The same refers to the structure of their bodies and so on. I think that living beings from space differentiate from us so much that we wouldn't understand that they are living beings.