воскресенье, 10 января 2010 г.

Autopsy of aliens

It was the year 1947 when ufologists found out the smashed UFO, at least that is how they identifies the things they have found. Sao, they found the crashed UFO and there was a creature in it. Sure, that creature was already dead and people took it to the morgue in order to perform an autopsy. So, that creature from the UFO was almost like a human being on the outside, though when people opened it up it appeared that organs of this creature are different from organs of humans. Everything in this creature was different from the common organism of a person. So, they realized it was not a human but it was an alien. Though, the question is in case there is one alien on this planet and it is dead now, why those other aliens never tried to find him and bring him back home? Well, I guess it is up to you whether you believe it or not, though me personally, I think in case they find such a creature they would never tell about this found and they will never let all the people in the world know about it until they find out what is it and where it is from.

Who are aliens?

We say there may be other living creatures in this world and we say those are more likely to live on some another planet. We call them aliens and we need to find them and we want o find them, at least some of us, and those that deal with search for the aliens are saying there are some possible messages from them and so on and so forth. Though, what if we are the real animals indeed? What if there are living creatures in the space that appeared there long before people did and they are living there for millions of years, but not for thousands of years like we are? What if? And what if it is us who are the real aliens, and we are the true invaders and we are those creatures that send messages to the space waiting for the answer. Maybe those green people feel at ease in this space and they don’t need us and they don’t want to meet us, but we feel a bit uncomfortable and we are looking for masters of this space. What if we are the real and the true aliens and we are problem for this space?