пятница, 27 февраля 2009 г.


Some people are totally obsessed about the fact that they might exist and even be dangerous, others, on the contraty, deny their existence and insist that all that is no more than a superstition.
Aliens… You never can tell with them: at times it may seem that aliens exist nowhere but in human’s mind, some other time you tend to believe in them and search for the toothmarks of their presence in the world. But what (or who) are aliens? Due to general belief, they appear to be long-faced, not very tall creatures with greenish skin and giant eyes in the form of a teardrop or something like that. Some people also have described aliens having tentacles, antennae, palpus and so on. Aliens are thought to be using a fully-equipped spaceship which can either be visible or vanish right away under the dangerous or suspicious circumstances. When people notice any sign of such object they most frequently call it a UFO.

There have been thousands of reports about people being kidnapped by agressive (maybe just curious) aliens who performed all sorts of ugly and odious experiments on human beings. Several times it was reported that even young girls who were kidnapped later produced to the world half-alien children! Doesn’t that sound unheard of! But it becomes even more unbelievable when we find out that none of those children has ever been seen alive...

Well, there are many groups of scientists (for so they call themselves) who study and explore all sorts of unfamiliar space and sky objects and unknown creatures, these are ufologists and the science dedicated to aliens is called ufology. However, no matter how much they do study the phenomena of aliens and UFOs we still don’t know the last thing about them...

Hasn’t it ever occured to you that your grandma or your closest neightbour looks like an alien? Maybe, aliens are closer than we think them to be, just round the corner, for instance?