пятница, 26 декабря 2008 г.

Aliens and our genesis

The question about existence or non-existence of aliens is principal for our fundamental bases of existence. We still have several theories of our origin. Some people think that we were created by God. Others think that we appeared as a result of evolution and natural selection. The third group believes that life on our planet was initiated by aliens. These people are sure that aliens not only exist, but regulate and rule our life. They think that aliens follow us and test whether we are successful enough to let us live more. That is, we are a part of some experiment. We must prove our consistency and strength. All theories have a right for existence, as we have still too small information about ourselves and it seems that in future this situation will be the same. We can only guess by remnants, excavations what we are and what we will be. The issue of our origin is crucial for us, as it is very hard to build our future, without the knowledge about our past. We need this knowledge to understand the aim of our living. Thus we will be able to understand what we should strive for. We develop ourselves and advance our technologies, but we don’t know the vector for our development. Those who believe in aliens count on communication with them to get the information about our aims.