воскресенье, 10 января 2010 г.

Autopsy of aliens

It was the year 1947 when ufologists found out the smashed UFO, at least that is how they identifies the things they have found. Sao, they found the crashed UFO and there was a creature in it. Sure, that creature was already dead and people took it to the morgue in order to perform an autopsy. So, that creature from the UFO was almost like a human being on the outside, though when people opened it up it appeared that organs of this creature are different from organs of humans. Everything in this creature was different from the common organism of a person. So, they realized it was not a human but it was an alien. Though, the question is in case there is one alien on this planet and it is dead now, why those other aliens never tried to find him and bring him back home? Well, I guess it is up to you whether you believe it or not, though me personally, I think in case they find such a creature they would never tell about this found and they will never let all the people in the world know about it until they find out what is it and where it is from.

Who are aliens?

We say there may be other living creatures in this world and we say those are more likely to live on some another planet. We call them aliens and we need to find them and we want o find them, at least some of us, and those that deal with search for the aliens are saying there are some possible messages from them and so on and so forth. Though, what if we are the real animals indeed? What if there are living creatures in the space that appeared there long before people did and they are living there for millions of years, but not for thousands of years like we are? What if? And what if it is us who are the real aliens, and we are the true invaders and we are those creatures that send messages to the space waiting for the answer. Maybe those green people feel at ease in this space and they don’t need us and they don’t want to meet us, but we feel a bit uncomfortable and we are looking for masters of this space. What if we are the real and the true aliens and we are problem for this space?

среда, 15 апреля 2009 г.

So much

It is interesting that we use the word aliens to describe people from another planet just as readily as we use it to describe people who sneak into the country. Although it is considered bad form, some people use the word freely to describe legal immigrants as well. Either way, the term alien is simply meant to be used to describe something foreign to us. We can have alien thoughts and alien ideas just as easily as we can offend someone with our alien arguments. I don’t think it is the word that is meant to be so offensive, but the connotation we have developed in spite of the meaning.
When we refer to someone as an alien, we are making a statement; most often about their race and the perceived right they have to be in the country. While we are all a little alien to some degree, we hold illegal aliens in the highest form of disregard. There are plenty of ways to enter the country legally, this is true, but for some people coming into the country illegally is their only measure for a desperate situation. The term alien applies to them only in the fact that they were born elsewhere. Yet we look down our noses at the alien population. I wonder how we would regard aliens that came from space, assuming aliens wouldn’t come from elsewhere like the depths of the deepest parts of the ocean. There is plenty for everyone. We need not assign people of different nationalities the title of alien in order to feel like they are infringing on our human rights. If we all worked together, we could make the world a place where there was no need for the “aliens” to escape.

пятница, 27 февраля 2009 г.


Some people are totally obsessed about the fact that they might exist and even be dangerous, others, on the contraty, deny their existence and insist that all that is no more than a superstition.
Aliens… You never can tell with them: at times it may seem that aliens exist nowhere but in human’s mind, some other time you tend to believe in them and search for the toothmarks of their presence in the world. But what (or who) are aliens? Due to general belief, they appear to be long-faced, not very tall creatures with greenish skin and giant eyes in the form of a teardrop or something like that. Some people also have described aliens having tentacles, antennae, palpus and so on. Aliens are thought to be using a fully-equipped spaceship which can either be visible or vanish right away under the dangerous or suspicious circumstances. When people notice any sign of such object they most frequently call it a UFO.

There have been thousands of reports about people being kidnapped by agressive (maybe just curious) aliens who performed all sorts of ugly and odious experiments on human beings. Several times it was reported that even young girls who were kidnapped later produced to the world half-alien children! Doesn’t that sound unheard of! But it becomes even more unbelievable when we find out that none of those children has ever been seen alive...

Well, there are many groups of scientists (for so they call themselves) who study and explore all sorts of unfamiliar space and sky objects and unknown creatures, these are ufologists and the science dedicated to aliens is called ufology. However, no matter how much they do study the phenomena of aliens and UFOs we still don’t know the last thing about them...

Hasn’t it ever occured to you that your grandma or your closest neightbour looks like an alien? Maybe, aliens are closer than we think them to be, just round the corner, for instance?

понедельник, 12 января 2009 г.

Belief in aliens

Some people believe in God, others believe in his absence (atheism). There are also people, who believe that we are descended from monkeys and so on. Some people believe in aliens. This belief has two its variants. The first is belief that aliens exist, the second implies the conviction that aliens are u ancestors. All these views can't be neither proved nor disapproved. This is the question of faith. People believe what they want, what they consider to be the most right. Many people claim that they have seen aliens with their own eyes. Some of them say that they have visited their spacecraft. I think that these people lie. They want cheap fame and nothing more. People like to tell untrue stories. Others like to hear these stories. Everybody is satisfied. As for me, I think that aliens really exist but they have no similarities with those stories and pictures, which are drawn from the evidence of witnesses. People's imagination is so narrow that they fail to invent something original. Aliens in their stories are similar to people, but they have larger eyes or larger ears and so on. It is very difficult to believe that living beings from far away planets have faces similar to ours. This is absolutely impossible. I think that these living beings breathe air, the chemical composition of which is quite different from our air. The same refers to the structure of their bodies and so on. I think that living beings from space differentiate from us so much that we wouldn't understand that they are living beings.

пятница, 26 декабря 2008 г.

Aliens and our genesis

The question about existence or non-existence of aliens is principal for our fundamental bases of existence. We still have several theories of our origin. Some people think that we were created by God. Others think that we appeared as a result of evolution and natural selection. The third group believes that life on our planet was initiated by aliens. These people are sure that aliens not only exist, but regulate and rule our life. They think that aliens follow us and test whether we are successful enough to let us live more. That is, we are a part of some experiment. We must prove our consistency and strength. All theories have a right for existence, as we have still too small information about ourselves and it seems that in future this situation will be the same. We can only guess by remnants, excavations what we are and what we will be. The issue of our origin is crucial for us, as it is very hard to build our future, without the knowledge about our past. We need this knowledge to understand the aim of our living. Thus we will be able to understand what we should strive for. We develop ourselves and advance our technologies, but we don’t know the vector for our development. Those who believe in aliens count on communication with them to get the information about our aims.


Do you believe in aliens? If you don’t, you are a bore and uninteresting person. How can you be sure that they don’t exist? If you are sure that aliens don’t exist only because you haven’t seen them, you are a narrow-minded person. You don’t try to understand the world around you and you have a routine approach to cognition of the world. The fact that you haven’t seen aliens doesn’t prove their absence. You can’t neither assert their absence, nor deny it. I agree that the majority of people, who claim that are familiar with aliens, lie. However, there are some unquestionable proofs, which can’t be disclaimed by skeptics. However, they simply prefer not to notice them. This is a mere playing ostrich. To believe in aliens doesn’t mean that you are a stupid person. It means that you are a creative person with developed imagination and are always ready for new experience. As for me, I think that aliens do exist. I haven’t seen them by my own eyes, but I believe numerous testimonies of eyewitnesses. I admit that some of these testimonies, maybe even their greater part is false. However, the fact that that the amount of thee testimonies is so huge proves that they really exist and visit our planet. I think that those people who have seen them are very lucky and they can’t think that they have left their life for nothing. They have seen a miracle and it is wonderful. I dream to get acquainted with aliens too. I believe that once it will happen. It will inevitably happen, because I want it very much and will try hard not to miss such a wonderful chance. Aliens will come to me and share some of their secrets with me and maybe they will make me happy.